Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Catch Up On Elder Hill Post

Hi everyone sorry I am seriously behind in updating this so I will do two posts one for Christopher (this one) and one for Isabella.

Christopher left the MTC on Sept 26th and arrived in Honduras on Sept 27th.  We got to talk to him twice once from the Salt Lake Airport and once from the Miami Airport.  It was awesome to hear his voice and experiences.  He got to have a conversation in Spanish with his Dad and that was fun to watch.  He also bore his testimony to us in Spanish.  It is truly amazing how quickly they pick up the languages at the MTC.  So here are the letters and pictures...hopefully in order.

Sept 20th

I don't have a whole lot of time. I'm writing you by hand this time.
I just wanted to say that I love you, and thank you so much for
helping me bear my cross while I'm out here. Tell everyone in the
ward that I love them. Thank B. Crossley for me.

I love you mom and dada!

Then in the mail a few days later we received a birthday present for David and some pictures.  Here are the pictures.  These are from the MTC.

At the MTC

His District at the MTC

A Picture of Honduras at the MTC

A Picture of Honduras at the MTC

Elder Delahunty, Chris' Comp.
This is his Batman Face.

Drawings by someone in his district.  Would this be studying???

Chris titled this his JC Penny photo shoot!

Gym was closed most of the time, so he resorted to the newest exercise craze...the chairgym!

He wrote on the back of this one that he looks like Grandpa Burt here!
I love this picture!

Companions!  Provo Temple

He titled this Honduras and Guatamala

His district and 2 teachers in front of the Provo Temple
Elder Delahunty playing the piano.

So the MTC came to an end and the following are the two emails we have received since he arrived in Honduras.

October 4th

estoy aqui! una semana.

all is well.
my spanish is well.
my president and i get along really well.
a few days ago i had my first two coconuts aqui.
con mi compaƱero.
y tomamos pinturas!

um.... we have 2 fechas bautismales.
we have two familias who are rebien y listo para el evangelio
si tendran fe.

my companion se llama elder christiansen de tremonton utah.
el es awesome. he and i get along really well, and he´s a very
diligent worker. it´s fun to have someone who wants to do the
work. we´ve both inspired each other a lot.

the first few days i was living in tegucigalpa with the presidents´
assistants. we ate fast food americana like crazy. pizza, burger
king, subway. which was great but kind of gross. haha.
the food here is amazing. eggs, beans lo mejor!, tortillas, dry
cheese, avocado if we´re lucky, and... no se. oh! and we´re
drink an amazing amount of orange juice. and yesterday i basically
ordered 25 coconuts from the cost which is really cool. i love
my area so much. today we´ve wondered out into babilonia
a bit and man god picked the place lo mejor para mi. en serio.
hay 4 coconut trees that i´ve found. i could throw a rock and
hit a banana tree in any direction. no joke. also, ALL of the food
is different than what we have in the states. the smells of oranges
here is like inhaling pure concentrated essential oil of the naranja.
it´s amazing. pleasuresome even. it´s a new high, and yet i don´t
really care. i ate fruit almost all of yesterday because we were
trying to make appointments and we missed cena with a familia.
so all i ate was fruit, and i have never been sad (not really) to miss
beans, eggs, mantequilla (which is this amaaaaazing home made
sour cream SOLO de honduras... magnifico=, and arroz or tortillas
or whatever else we have with comidas.

we´re trabajando siempre. my neighborhood is a roller coster
up, down, up down. nunca derecho. never strait or plato, flat.
it´s really, really, really intense. but as soon as i´m tired or something,
all of the sudden we contact or teach a lesson, and then I forgot
i was tired at all. secondly, people will randomly feed us in the calle
when we miss a meal or it turns out someone offers us fresca tortillas
or algo. it´s amazing.

anyway, i love you. all is well. ciao!

October 11th

Hi mom and dad,

how are you? i hope that all is well. im glad that youre both out doing things with one another. honduras is great. i bought 25 coconuts yesterday from the shore, where we are not located. haha. one of our neighbors picked them up for me. i can not really undesrstand what anyone is saying half of the time. today we contacted a bus though. an entire bus in my broken spanish. haha. we are at the mall right now. which i dont know if i have expressed it clearly but it is soooo weird to see mcdonalds, burgerking and other american-izations aqui. but its all good. we are working, working, working. and yet it feels like there is always more we could improve. especially my spanish. i have a gringo companion so that hinders my spanish probably more than i have considered. i feel a little bit alone today here at the mall. i think that i am going to research the cost of a blender for smoothies in the morning. for the first two weeks here, i ate sweet bread and chocolate milk or sweet bread and orange juice. today two years feels like forever. but i dont need consolation. i am happy to be here. i just feel alone and miss isabel too much to put into words.

there are wonderful members here. yesterday we worked harder than we have worked physically speaking before. i cant tell you how much we walk, and the hills are steep, up and down up and down. which is good. i have lost weight and cant really tell how much. the thing i notice is my close start to feel awkward. anyway, church. we didnot get anyone to come to church. which is bad. really bad. but im learning, however, i dont like being new sometimes. haha. there is always a humbling experience around the corner. which is good, because we fall into a state of arrogance. in reality, i am grateful for the times that i feel like nothing. life is easier to know that if you trust in god, that it is his plan, that you are simply playing a smal part. life just flows better that way. which doesnt mean that we dont set goals or have desires, we just realize that when life makes changes you can accept them as gods plan. its not your life, its a part of his that was given to you.

ive given lots of blessings in spanish. weve had some amazing spiritual experiences. we saw our first baptism in the district a few nights ago by some another companionship. to see this young man change his entire life was amazing and how humbled was he. amazing. i remembered a lot from my life during the baptism. and how wonderful must it feel to come out of that water. and even if for me already having been baptized, as painful as some memories are, this is the reason why we have the savior.

anyway, i love you mom and dad. bye

So there you have it.  The last letter was a little hard for this Mom to read.  I wish I could reach through the miles and hug him.  Although my suspect he would prefer that to be Isabella!!!  I love this boy.  I will post his address that you can write to him and you can email him as well.  Also, Dear Elder will send letters free to the pouch system and then it is sent to Chris through the church.  If you want to know how to do this email me.

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