Monday, April 25, 2011

A Week in Paradise...

Hello everyone from Kansas City, Missouri!!! Sorry I am late posting but I have been about in the air today traveling for work!!!  Here are the Monday Letters!

Isabella's Letter
janice you look so good wow im so proud of you you keep it up my brother wrote a really long letter and i dont have any time left i love you both and cant wait to print off the leters you sent me im sorry but i will tellyou all next week les quiero chris im proud of all the success you are having and keep it up love

Christopher's Letter
This week has been a very good week, quite honestly. I think that I´m losing weight quickly, but some times I can´t tell which is frustrating.  Also, it´s likely that I will complete a year in the mission in Siguatepeque.  Frankly I´m not in a hurry to leave. Haha. It´s really beautiful here. We found two new families this week which was good, but our focus right now is to find LOTS. Families, families, families. We struggle in having
short lessons. 5, 10, 15 minutes. There are SO many people in every area and I feel the need to talk to everyone.

Friday before Easter, we had a really fun experience. We had just walked passed a house that was watching the movie The Testaments: One Fold, One Pastor... but ON TV! SO we tried to tell everyone. We walked by a "pulperia" (which is like a gasstation on the inside that sells everything BUT gas) that we had contacted and left the book of mormon. In the Pulperia, we saw that there was a television. We said
very exitingly, "Hey, change the channel to channel 6! They are showing a movie about when Christ came to the Americas! What the Book of Mormon talks about." So we were invited to watch it with him. While watching the movie, people came to the window to buy and I contacted all of them,"Hey did you know that Jesus visited the Americas? Because they´re showing a movie about it on Channel 6. This is actually what the book of mormon says! Did you know that?"  It was really fun, and we achieved 3 appointments, too. People really like the story of the book of mormon. The trick is the get them to understand that he has put his church again in the world. The secret is in the spirit, which comes from speaking your heart more than anything.
I also actually forgot that it was easter. Here they say the holy week and pascua. Which is easter. I just didn´t see eggs or chocolate this week. Haha. Maybe if I was in the city it would be different.

Also, I read a talk by Russel M Nelson this morning about being diligent with your money, not having debts and everything of the sort. I was thinking maybe that it´s better that you don´t visit me. and that I just come home. But I don´t know what you think. It would be better to save the money for rainy days if you know what I mean. A part of me would like to get married in Salt Lake, but at the same time Costa Rica would be nice because, well, family of Isabel would be there. Everyone could have a vacation. But shouldn´t we be careful with our money that God has given us? Prudent?  We'll talk. I only have.. 1 year and 3 months left.

Also, Dad, could you send me some exercises that I could do to work out my legs and thighs and other parts, too,? Effective excerises. I´m really trying hard to lose weight and actually get in shape.

Anyway, I love you. I hope you are all well. I´ll write you more on the details of phone calls. Love you all so much! Thank you for all that you do.

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