Monday, January 23, 2012

Onward, Ever Onward!!!

Isabella's Letter

sorry i cant write i was writting to the president, this week we have two baptisms fernanda and david. fer is shy and 13 and david outgoing and wants to be a magician his favorite topic is final judgement and has introduce us to all his friends they have baptismal dates now. anyway i love you all take care. oh and thats hna nevarez my chill pal shes from washington and is awesome we tell eachother todo so cool to have her. love ya hna florido

Christopher's Letter


Hi, mom! Hi, dad! Hi, Isabel! Hi, everyone.

This week has been crazy. We only taught 6 lessons! However, we were planning on having a baptisms of the Zambrano family, but things were nuts. We were running from the church to their house to the house of members and back the house of the Zambrano family and the Gaitán family, trying to arrange baptismal interviews and get baptismal clothes and the week seemed quite hectic. In the end, we only had 4 baptisms of the Gaitán family and one of the children of the Zambrano
family. This week we expect to excite the Zambrano family to get baptized. They really like the church, but the thing is they work SO hard.
You have no idea how people fight for what they have... even if it´s just 4 walls, a floor and rice and beans. Brother Zambrano is a watchman for a goverment contracted company. He is 55 years old and has 10 children living in a house half the size of the garage and it´s made of wood. Sister Zambrano
is 35 years old (a 20 year difference!), who is overweight and extremely stressed; however, she loves her children very much. But you have to catch her in the right moment to talk to her. Always I have noticed the difference when we come home from church with him. She is more relaxed and happy
and with much ease we can converse and get to know each other.

The 10 kids spands a whole generation or even 2 decades of which are inbetween 6 months and 20 years old! Only 2 children have a true interest in the church. One of those is called Joel, who is 12 years old and when I first met him, he honestly desired anything BUT talking with us. Nevertheless,
the miracle is that he is the most active in the church right now; even so that he, after being baptized and confirmed this week, went visiting with the Young Men to less active "Young Men." Children are the purest (and most strange) of heart.
Here people make about 1 dollar an hour. It´s less than the minimum wage, which is about 250 dollars a month. However, the workers of a place like Wal-Mart would earn said 250 dollars, but their work schedule begins from 7 AM and ends at 10 or 11 PM. An 3 room apartment with one bathroom here costs 3,500 limpiras, which is about 190 dollars a month. Figure, making 250 dollars a month and havingto pay 190 for where you live, which leaves you with 60 dollars to buy food and clothing.
... for a wfie and 10 children. Haha. It´s difficult.

But the membership in the Church of Jesus Christ takes away the burdens of the people. In the Church, we are Something. We are accepted for who we are and our talents, if we wish, are put to work immediately. Which is one of the things that Sister Zambrano loves: The Relief Society and its activities.

One of the things I love about the mission is that we are all equal. As missionaries, we are not poor or rich, or anything of prejudgement. I love Equality. Things are changing, I know. I don´t know who I am, but I have learned to live and love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I imagine I am still Me; however, the changes have been many in the mission. Love is forever, but the changes must be so that we might come closer to perfection. God prepares the way. We must seek the Change. In the MTC, Elder Bender gave a talk saying that it doesn´t matter that we do good things, rather it is who or what we  are becoming. We all can do good, but who are we at the end of having done good. 

I have had fear of falling away from the church after the mission. I am trying to hard to have the purest change of heart in all things that I might truly come unto Christ. I don´t want to fall, rather, I want to be an inmovable mountain of spiritual strength for everyone else.

I love you all, but I have to go now.
I miss your faces.
I complete eighteen months this coming Saturday.
The curtains are coming to a close.

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