Monday, April 16, 2012

A Day in the Life of the Assistant to the President

Dear Mom and Dad,

Just so that you know, I´ll say the prayer of gratitude and pray for Jared.
I wrote it down.  I won´t forget.

Mom, you asked what a day in the life of being the assistant to President is
like.  So... I´ll tell you.   We wake up an hour earlier than the other missionaries,
at 5:30 AM.  We go running outside, do exercise, eat, study and then go to
the office of the mission (on Monday´s, usually, unless we have a meeting with
President Flores).  The other days we visit the areas of the other missionaries:
sometimes we study with them in their personal and companionship studies.
Sometimes we carry out exchanges, which is where my companion or I
trade places with one of the Zone Leaders or District Leaders for a day to
a week, depending on the the missionaries´ needs.  In exchanges, we teach
the missionaries about how to find people teach, show an example of how
to teach, plan and study.  It´s more showing than telling.

When we are not with the missionaries, we are planning and making goals
to have more success in the mission... to raise the vision of what we can
achieve and how we can impact the faith and life of the other missionaries.
Also, we have meeting with President to talk about conferences and trainings
that we will have.  Sometimes we sit with him in his office and he teaches
us from the scriptures, which is one of my favorite things we do with him.

There are also those strange details when, in the middle of the night,
President Flores calls to tell you that you have to go pick some very ill missionary up
and take him to the hospital, or, like today, we had to go inspect the
house of some sister missionary because robbers broke into their house
while they were sleeping (don´t worry.  nothing happened.)

Today my companion and I ate lunch with him and his wife, which I had never
done before.  While I was eating, I had a flashback from when I opened my
calling and saw their picture for the first time.  I said to them,"When I saw
your picture for the first time, I never expected to be here eating lunch with
you.  Who would have thought?"  And we talked about how the letter I sent
to him when I was in the MTC.  He commented that I was one of two Elders
who had sent him a letter before coming to the field, and he said,"I also never
thought while I was reading your letter that you´d be my assistant."  Haha.
You never know how things are going to turn out in the end.

 Anyway, I love you all.  Thank you for all that you do.
Pray that the husband of Paola gives her permission to get
baptized.  He is CRAZY.

Elder Hill

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