Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Going Through The Motions!

Here are Christopher's Letters from the last two weeks.

Last Week's
Hi mom and dad and isabel,ç

I have been working a lot, but not so hard.  This last week was a week
of babysitting and running errands.  Haha.  We picked up the new Latin
American missionaries and then the next we picked up the new North
American missionaries.  We took some old missionaries to the airport
to go home (one of which was my beloved friend, Elder Singh from
Panama.  I don´t have a picture of him, but if there was one person
that I loved and trusted here it was him.)  Two days of conference
were had, and we finish with today, where at 3:40am we woke up to get
ready to take Sister Murillo, who was scheduled to go to Mexico but
had to wait to get her visa and so they sent her here, to her flight
to Mexico.  It has been a busy week and yet last week I was only able
to teach 3 lessons.  It´s strange not finding, teaching... but
miraculously we are baptizing.  :)

It was so fun to see the pictures of Isabel... in the airport... in
front of the temple... even eating Sushi.  :)  It makes me happy to
see you all happy.  I love you.  When I saw the pictures, I felt the
emotion of being there.  I remember on Wednesday while we were eating
with the new Elders, I felt an impression to look at my watch and I
said to President´s wife,"My girlfriend just got released."  And I had
that thought many times during the week.  Again, I love you.

I don´t have very much money right now and a camera costs around two
hundred dollars here.  They´re pretty expensive, but I am not too
worried about the camera.  However, I need money for food right now.
Being that we have to travel and have lots of random things we have to
do, money sometimes gets spent.  If you could deposit some money in my
account for food and things, that would be a lot of help right now.

Thank you for the pictures.  The house looks really nice... especially
with an Isabel in it.  Haha.

I love you all.
Elder Hill.

This Week's

Dear mom and dad,

Yesterday we had a wonderful activity, which began as a Zone Leader Council. I´ll explain.
Every month we have what is called Zone Leader Concil, where all 9 companionships come
from far and near to the office to report on the work that has been done in their area, to
discuss possible difficulties and successes and to prepose what they will accomplish in
the next month. President Flores and the Assistents both respectively present a theme
or workshop where we can learn or practice certain Gospel principles.

This Monday was rather special, rather different than the other ones we´ve had. We did
the Council as normal, but from 12:30 or so onward, we watched the 10 Commandments,
and ate Subway. At 5 or so, we played soccer by President´s house for an hour and
later ate Pizza Hut with his family.

From the 10 commandments, you learn a lot about being a leader. Honestly I had never
had such an interest in Moses in all of my mission, but now he is kind of like what
Wolverine or Batman was to me as a kid. Haha. The 10 commandments is easily
one of my favorite movies and I think that movies will bring on a new type of learning
after the mission. I remember the first Christmas I was here, we watched Scrooge
and if I wouldn´t have been in the mission, I would have never seen how the Gospel
of Christ is truly a part of that. But it is. Even one missionary told me that watching
that movies IN THE MISSION helped him confess sins that he hadn´t confess and
was able to mend the tears of his spirit.

Anyway, this is how the week has begun. There is a lot of work to do.
Thank you for the money.

If I could ask for anything, it would be... money in the next few months to buy
a few things for you all. Haha. I haven´t bought any souveniers really.

Ah! No, I lied. There is something I need. So, I bought my suit right? Well,
I use my suit like almost every day in meetings. One thing I sort of need is
money for another suit. I´m really sorry to ask, but I´ll be here for 4 more months and don´t
want to wear my suit out... My black suit is a great suit to get married it.
It has a vest, too! Haha.

I have to go. I love you! Bye!

This Mom loves this boy and misses him a ton....even more now that we have Isabel home!  Time is moving quickly....pray for him please to be focused on the things he needs to do and that he will find success and be able to prepare to come home!  Approximately 114 days!!!

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