Monday, November 1, 2010

3 Baptisms, Coke Bottles, & Life in Honduras

This evening we received this from the Bear. Please pray for his continued success and his safety!!!

Hey, how are you all?  I´m honestly really tired and not tired at all.  Sometimes life is like a haze and I´ve falted in not writing much. First off, I want to tell you that we´ve had some great success in the mission.  This weekend, I baptized 3 people.  2 young men of 16 and a man of 33 years who is trying to earn back the respect of his family.  All of which was a really beautiful experience and I´ll write about more in a bit.  Today we had a meeting with Presidente Flores, His Family, and my old district. It was our birthday of 1 month.  Haha.  At the end of today, Elder Hart told me, You´re Spanish is SO sick.  Haha.  It was funny but nice to hear. 

So I´ve lost some weight.  I don´t know how much.  Everynight our diet is different.  Usually we eat fried plantains, beans, rice, tortillas, and sometimes salsa or avocado, which is really expensive here by the way. Where I live in Honduras is really peaceful.  The area can be dangerous.  There are a lot of gangs in Honduras, a member of which we´re teaching right now, who is awesome and loves the book of mormon.

There are lots of banana, coconut, orange, lime and other fruit trees everyway.  Saturday I tried my first fresh cacao fruit, which is deliciously amazing.  Haha.

A lot of times at the houses of our investigatores, it smells like BO or pee, but never does it destract from the lesson.  Every now and then people give us fresh, crisp, hot to the touch tortillas with this sweet, fatty sour cream called montequilla, which is the word for butter in Spanish, which here butter is called margarina.  And the hospitality of the people here sometimes is unmatched.  However, the other day we were called false prophets by a young man who was burnt really bad when he was younger playing around with fire.  He said that we were going to go to the infierno.  Haha.  Scary.

I have only met one person who does not believe in God here, who was an old professor who was missing one leg. So everyone believes somewhat blindly in God, which is truly bittersweet, because they understand you but the restoration of the gospel doesn´t always hit home with people.  But it´s okay.  We still work really hard.

There are dogs EVERYWHERE and they poop EVERYWHERE.  Haha.  And there´s trash everywhere!  Which comes from this idea that you can return what the earth gave you to earth.  Which with fruit peels and skins makes sense because it composts, but coke bottles don´t.  At least don´t very rapidly.  Haha. Which reminds me!  People here are short, but like a few inches shorter than I am. And every day you see these people with giant bags of plastic coke bottles that are 3 times there size, like Santa Clause without his fat tummy. 

And we´re about to go teach right now.  You should look up some Honduranean things: mantequilla, balliadas. Anyway, my comp wants to go.  So I love you and here is a little bit of the mission.  I´ll write more later about the baptisms and send photos.  Tell Isabel I love her, and yeah.  Love you, Bye.

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