Monday, November 8, 2010

Wise Men & Marriages in Honduras

We received this email from Christopher Bear today! Enjoy!

Wow! The girls are so big.  It´s crazy that when we return they´ll be a lot bigger, too.  I miss them a lot.

So, mom and dad, if Dad can, could he translate my letters and send them to the Family Florido. That would be awesome and then he can practice his Spanish too.  Which reminds me, mom, have you gone to the Spanish branch yet?  I get the feeling that you haven´t. 

Anyway, the area that I live in is called Monterrey.  The neighborhood is called Lomos de Nauvoo, because it was established by one of the apostles or seventy.  Hence, it´s called Nauvoo.  You can try to google map it.   Something like... Lomos De Nauvoo, Comayaguela, Tegicigalpa, Honduras.   I don´t know.  We don´t have mailing addresses here.  Granted the wise built his house upon the rock, but the wise men here have been drunk for some time.  There is no order to the way the houses are structured here for nothing!  I promise you this. I have a testimony even more so that Utah was built by a prophet with such order because, well, yeah.  Haha. 

So... It´s Monday.  The "taco" here is called a Balliada, which is really good.  You should google it.  Although I think that I told you this the last time.

Good news!  We´re marrying someone this week.  Johnny Bueso y Maria Lena Alvarado.   Si, hombre! (which is basically my most favorite thing to say here... that and "nombreee!!!")  Haha.  They´re going to get married Thursday or Jueves.  Hooray for that.  No more breaking the law of you know what!  

We actually baptized Johnny, last week.  He´s 33 years old and in just two weeks the change in just his eyes is heavenly.  There´s something that you can´t quite define with words, just with smiles and emotions.  It´s beautiful.  He´s truly my first convert baptism, because I asked him to get baptized and baptized him.  He has two kids with Maria, y she has two others that love him.  So, today... Oh, wait.  Crap.  I don´t have my camera.  That´s bad.  I was supposed to print pictures for him.  Anyway.  Don´t worry about that.

Our other baptisms were two teenagers of a friend who´s a member, Erick.  His friends are called Luis and Eduardo.  Both are awesome.  But let me tell you the story.   Erick used to be inactive for a long time.  My companion started to visit him before I got here.  When I got here, we visisted him all the time.  Then his friend.  And then his other friend.  And these two have actually received lessons from the missionaries, a year or so ago.  But we began to teach them Luis with Erick a lot in the last few weeks.  We passed by Erick´s once on a Sunday before church just to stop by.  But he had awoken with some kind of fungus on his skin like ringworm.  I asked him if he´d like a blessing, and long story short we gave him one.  He didn´t go to church that day, but he gave his mom a written testimony (because it was fast Sunday).  She didn´t read it, but the next day gave it to us.  In it, he said that he knew that Elder Hill and Elder Christensen were called and inspired by God.  Which was pretty amazing to read.  He said some other things, but!  To move on to other miracles:

With Luis, the first time that we prayed to know that the book of mormon is true, he thanked God for the two angels that had come into his life.  So humbling, so wonderful.  And so, this is what happened. We invited him to be baptized, like, 6 times.  Always he said no or I´m not prepared or whatever.  But we asked Erick one night before a lesson if he´d invite his friend to be baptized.  He felt nervous but said that he would.  During this lesson, at the beginning Luis was invited to be baptized by us, but again said no.  At the end of the lesson, Erick asked Luis to be baptized.  Luis looked down and was playing with the Book of Mormon with his hands.  he turned it around and placed his thumb at the bottom of the book where it says the name of the church, covering the part where it says, "of latter day saints" as it simply read,"the church of jesus christ."  he smiled at me, at my comp, at erick.  and said,"me bautizo."   !!!!  miracles.  And actually, I wasn´t there, but I can remember like I was.  Haha.  We did changes that night, sadly, but miraculously maybe.

The second thing was that two days later, when we did changes again and I wasn´t there,  Erick answered the door when my companion and Elder Dardon arrived, "Hey, Luis invited Eduardo to be baptized.  Can he get baptized the same day?"  And my companion said, "yeah, just call him."  And as friends they do this thing where they make a rrrrrriiiit or something, like a hiss mixed with a whistle.  And there was Eduardo waiting for us to arrive.  And that´s the miracle that members can have on their friends.  I promise that if you invite more people who aren´t members to church and testify of the miracles that you´ve had in your life, you´re going to see miracles.  You have more power than the missionaries.  And Dad, you should go out with the missionaries as much as possible.  What a blessing it will be on our house.

Anyway, I have to go.  For Christmas, you can send me 5 pounds of maca and goji berries.  They have cacao here.  :)   I love you so much.  

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