Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tender Mercies and Miracles

I don't have a letter to post or pictures from the kids, but I wanted to share something that happened today at school.  I also wanted to record it here for Christopher and Isabel to read when they are home.  I want them to know of the blessings happening here at home because they are there serving.  Each day that I endure my missing kids...and I do miss them...I am also strengthened in becoming so aware that our Father in Heaven is so aware of each of us and our needs.  Anyway, if any of you know me well or even just know me you know that I WoRrY and wOrRy some more.  I come by it rightly...my mother was this way.  When the kids told us they were going on missions I worried about lots of things like missing them, them missing each other or losing each other, and of course as always money.  The Lord and I have an interesting relationship when it comes to money...not from His end though...He is always on the right path of the promise thing.  It is I who struggle to be strong and have faith in tithing, offerings, and yet again missionary payments.  Now also knowing Christopher as a teenager you would understand that saving money for a mission was not something he did or we did.  It just didn't seem possible in my mind....this is where that miracle comes in.  The miracle of change because of the atonement and the miracle of events and possiblities because well, the Lord follows through with all promises.

So Christopher and Isabel have been gone approximately 3 months, and I want to add so many people are helping keep them out there....the list is so long but Grandparents, Us, Isabel's Family, and wonderful ward members who are nameless and if you are one of them thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart.

In those three months tender mercies and miracles have occurred over and over.  Things like, I chose to take all of my quality teaching pay in one lump sum...it was deposited the day Chris called for help to recover from the white clothes and pen catastrophe.  The money was there to help him.  Chris' work put in a dollar for every hour he worked this year.  Out of the blue Dave has received two bonuses (never has happened before) for a project he is working on for work.  And then today....

I went to work as usual this morning with things on my mind.  The holidays are coming and of course I am trying to do the mothering thing and make sure no matter how far the kids are that they have something to open Christmas morning.  So things were traveling my mind like....I need to get our tithing paid, I need to also do monthly mission payment, mailing the packages is going to be costly....you know the WORRY thing.  I have really tried hard to be faithful and I in no way begrudge paying for these things...but I do worry about ends meeting most every day of my life...it is just my nature I think...I do this no matter how good or bad the financial times and budgets are at my house.  Anyways, I had just set down at my desk and was getting the computer running and just getting ready for my day when a fellow teacher of mine, who was once Jared's teacher, and I have spent so much time with students in her class, came up behind me and put her arms around me.  She told me that she loved me and she was always thinking of me.  She put an envelope in my hand and on the front was written for Chris's missionary fund.  I was speechless.  I opened the envelope and inside was a hundred dollars.  Later on one of my aide's received the same for her son as well. 

This particular teacher lost her husband two years ago this month.  I suspect this is what she does in his memory.  She is an amazing lady and I wish I could thank her in a more deserving way, but thank you Mrs. Cowlishaw.  Thank you for just being you and for listening to the promptings of our Heavenly Father.  You were part of a miracle today.

So Chris and Isabel when you read this, know that you were watched over on these missions and your families were too.  May we each listen to the promptings we are given so that we can be part of the Lord's tender mercies and miracles here on earth.

Thanks for listening to my rambles.  I just thought it was somethings important to share.  Love you all!!!


PS  My step-dad, my eternal dad, is in the hospital fighting cancer and is not doing so well...please keep him in your prayers.  Please pray for the Lord's will and Richard's comfort in whatever path we are asked to travel.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Janice, You have ALWAYS been amazing. Yes, blessings come to those who are faithful. I am so happy for you all. I also want you to know that you were a miracle for us when we had Kelsee. You saved us!!!! Thank you for all you have done for us. May you always be blessed! Love ya tons, Tiffanie
