Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cuando Hay Amor!! From Christopher

Come, come, ye saints.  No toil, pain or feer.  Do do do, doo do dooooo.

Hello.  This week I talked for the first time at church.  I talked about love.
Or Amor.  I was the first of my comp and I to speak.  The night before, I
was preparing my talk and decided to sing the first verse of
"Cuando Hay Amor" or "When there´s love at home."  And let me tell you
what happened.  During the sacrament hymn, I was pondering and reading
the hymn, as I was a little nervous to sing without music.  The thought came
to my mind, look up at the hymns that we were going to sing.  And in Honduras,
you sing 4 songs, one of them is sung inbetween the first and second speaker.
And the song that the 2nd counselor had chosen was "Cuando Hay Amor."
Haha.  Revelation!  It was pretty cool and confirmed to me that it was so perfect
to sing the first verse, give my talk and then all of us would sing the song.

I sang the first verse and said that I love music and how it brings the spirit into
a room.  I talked about how Christ told us that we need to love our neighbor as
overselves. And in Preach My Gospel, there is a section on love and charity.
And how the best way that we could love someone is by sharing with them the
restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  So I told them that my mother had told me before
the mission that I need to love whatever person that I´m teaching before they´ll
come to Church or do anything.  And then I told the story about you, mom, teaching
Michael T. to walk and how you promised him that you loved him and he wasn´t
going to fall.  I read Moroni 7:48 and James 15:14-16... that man hath no greater
love than this that he lie down his life for his friends.  And then I chastized with love or
regañé a todo that if they´re not sharing the gospel and not in a sense laying down
their lives and time for their neighbors, friends and family... they aren´t being the
best that they can be.  And so I invited my ward to give a little more this Christmas
season.  Haha. 

Anyway, other things, I´m not going to lie.   Not all is beautiful here.  I have seen
problems that would break your heart and families that are falling apart, but as
sad as all of this is, it is so incredibly beautiful to see the humility and willingness
of others to change. And more and more, you understand the scriptures more and
more and the way that Christ teaches.  It´s a process, but I almost think that with
all of the lessons that we teach I leave more edified, more enriched espiritualmente.
I mean spiritually. Ha.

I miss you all a lot.  Um... I bought a really beautiful, thin blanket that was made in
Guatemala.  Everyone has them here.  It is like a maroon with dears on it. :)
Like... deer antler!  Haha.  Just kidding.

I was going to send a picture of it, but there´s a problem with my camera.  You can´t
take photos off of it, wth the camera or with the card itself.  So, literally I can´t send
photos.  So... I´m not sure what to do about that right now. Don´t freak out and send money
though please.  I´m going to try the other card and some things.

Anyway, um... at my home i´m making noni juice by fermenting the fruit.  Also... I saw
a painting in someone´s living room the other day of a Durian and they had NO IDEA
what it was.  And my companion loves cacao.  A lot.  And so do others in my district.
They´re hooked.

I love ou all and I hope that I´ll figure out something to send fotos or at least be able to
print them out and send them. And also I can´t send anything because it is twice as
expensive to send things there, just so you know.  I would like to because there are
some really pretty wood works and things, but you´ll have to wait.  :(

Again, I love you mom and dad.  I miss you.  Maybe you should go to the hotsprings
for me.   
Sincerely, Elder Hill

We did not hear from Isabel today. That is kind of unusual so hopefully we will hear something soon!

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