Monday, December 27, 2010

Short Monday Letters and Pictures from Bolivia

Isabella's Letter

hola mi gente! tengo muchas cartas hoy. y muchas fotos gracias le amo y agradezco todo lo que me han escrito.

pero voy a tener que escribirles por cartas porque he gastado mucho tiempo leyendo y quiero mandarles fotos y finalcabo una foto dice mas que mil palabras gracias por las fotos en verdad un abrazo un beso. mami papi joeson jonathan gina natalie camila y pitu los quiero mucho


hi my peeps i got a lot of emails today and many pictures thanks i love you and am grateful that you have written me. i have spent alot of my time reading so i will have to write you by hand because i wanted to send you pics and pics say more than a thousand words.

Isabella's Pictures

Christopher's Letter

I just wanted to say that I love you so much and to be able to talk with you was amazing.  It did help to talk to Isabel, like after this mission I will actually have a life, which sometimes it seems like anything after the mission just doesn´t exist. Like one will just die after the mission. But that´s obviously not going to happen. You asked me if I needed anything.  And money would help. I don´t have a lot. When you can, anyway. I don´t want to impose too much. The other thing... I forget. I wanted something, but I can´t remember. I guess it doesn´t matter. I love you so much and miss you.
Vos hijo,

Elder Hill

Two side notes from the Mom, well maybe three:

1.  Please, please pray for them.  For their health, for their safety, for their success in sharing the gospel.  Both countries have political strife happening.  Men walk the streets with guns in Honduras and people there love fireworks because it masks the sounds of gunfire.  Isabel has been sick twice, there is no sanitation where she is.

2.  Pray for Bolivia there is talk of not allowing proselyting openly in the streets.  Their leader wants to change things.

3.  Chris is having a great deal of success with 3 recent baptisms.  Isabella and her whole zone is experiencing lots and lots of she needs some extra prayers.

I love and miss these children it seems more every day.  One more Christmas and I can start planning their returns...a wedding...and grandbabies....okay, okay lets not get carried away...but I do think about it.  It gets me through a day sometimes and sometimes it brings me to tears....Crazy I know!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!

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