Monday, October 17, 2011

Obedience, Blessings, El Country & District Leader

Izzy's Letter

Hola amigos y familias. i am so happy with the progress that so many of my investigators are making i feel i might leave cala cala (which means butt naked someone told me this week ha ha) but at the same time i feel that i will be able to see my investigators be baptized, the ones i am really hoping for is Bryan Fuentes, Rodrigo Sanchez who confessed this sat that he has had many confirmations that these things which we teach are Gods words and he feels this is Christ´s true church. that was such a highlight, Bryan said that he wants to move at his pace and i told him you are not being asked to run further than you have strength you are being asked to pray and read as He has asked because its for your good. Being obedient, dont we all love obedient children and then we have a ton of excuses not to be obedient with our Lord. Bryan is full of them... im not ready i dont have the desire i .. i.. i Told him i Love you very much and im not going to give up on you ever even if i finish my mission im still going to be gum on your shoe, i laughed and said my parents made me brush my teeth even when i didnt have the desire to brush them even when i would lie and said i did brush them because i didnt understand the importance of dental hygiene but because of them and them making me do this which i hated at the time i have teeth today something so small but so important, now why wouldnt i insist on you reading the Book of Mormon when your eternal salvation is at stake and not just your teeth? he teared up and said i will sister not perfectly but i will try. What more can i ask for. i love the mission, and the end is zooming by so fast ahhh. i also want to see hna Luz angela be baptized. she is colombian and we just understand eachother so well. her goal this year is to be baptized and she is reading and praying but has many family problems and admits she probably hasnt gotten a confirmation that this is true from the holy spirit because she is focused on the many issues she has right now. but i know that it is because she isnt attending church as she should. ive become a doctor to spiritual disease. Jorge is getting baptised this saturday and hopefully Josue too he still needs his permission signed. but i feel like my work is paying off and people are becoming happier and filled with hope in His atoning sacrifice and that is ultimately why i embarked in this journey. i know that prayer is a gift from God i know that  you dont have to have the best words and that even the mute can fervently pour their heart to our Heavenly Father and that he listens and answers prayers. i know that the scriptures are tools that narrow the gap between our understanding and His. i know that He has restored his ture church, that we can learn his gospel and be saved. and i know that the love i share comes back ten fold. but i also know that prayer needs to be done frequently and every day but the blessings are innumerable the Biggest one of them all is that we know we are being obedient with the Lord and therefore feel confident that he is pleased. i love you all 4 more months till sushi and your faces!. in that order just kidding. i havent recieved anything yet but i am looking forward to it!
love hna florido

Chrissy's Letter

Dear Mom and Dad,

Saturday, I got my package.  Thank you for everything.  I really like
the ties.  I gave the green tie to my companion for his birthday.  I
hope that's okay.  And also thank you for the card and for your love
and the pictures and all that you do.  It's too much and I am really
humbled at so much love.

So I was transferred to a place called "Country."  It's in the city
and I was also given the asignment of being District Lider.  I have
been living constantly with deja vu here.  I feel like I recognize
everything...  I don't feel like I moved at all.  The members and I,
in less than a week, have gained a lot of trust and we're already
working with references.

This week, in Siguatepeque, two investigators of mine are going to get
baptized, too!
And this family had received the missionaries for 20 years!  Yay!

You asked what I would like for Christmas.

1.  That Dad could write to my companion in Spanish.  I will have to
get his address, but his name is Elder Galeano, from Nicaragua.

2.   2 pounds of Maca, a bottle of Reishi and Cordyceps mushrooms from
...Is that bad? It is cheaper if you buy it online. That is all I know.
I don't really care about these things so much, but I like them.
Just know that I love you.  I don't need anything.  I wish that I
could be here another year.  I like Honduras a lot.  In nine months,
I'll be home...  The time that it takes for a fetus to mature.  I
don't really want to come home.  I love you all very much, but I like
being a missionary a lot, too.  There is nothing like being one with
the Holy Ghost.

I love you all a lot.
Elder Hill

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