Tuesday, March 27, 2012

20 Months!!!

So, I was living in the hottest area of Honduras for 4 days and
Wow... I feel burnt to a crisp.  For half a week I was living
in Comayagua as a Zone Leader, more or less.  And I was
always sweating, like hotter than the Vegas sun.  My feet
radiated with heat and my toes seemed to suffocate in the
covering of my shoes. The nice thing about all the bodily
persperation was that... I didn´t stink.  Haha.  I have found
a trick for not stinking in the arm pits.  Haha!  But.. it´s
a secret.  Shh!

Also, while I was in Comayagua, robbers ripped the door
lock off of the metal door and broke into our house, robbed
my camera, money and an iron.  So, the sad thing is that
I lost photos for from about 8 to 10 months.  I am not sure
what I will do about that, but I don´t want you to worry.
I´m not worried. 

One of the most beautiful parts of the mission is Agency
and receiving answers to your prayers from God.  I love
the promise of Moroni 10:3-5:
"And when ye shall receive these things, I exhort you
that ye ask God, The Eternal Father, in the name of
Christ, if these things are not true, and if ye ask with
a pure heart and true intention, having faith in Christ,
he will manifest them unto you by the power of the
Holy Ghost.  And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye
shall know the truth of all things."

We are never obligated to do something, rather, we are
expected to act for ourselves.  One of the skills I am
learning about Leadership is Agency, the will to act,
take choices with faith and with the Holy Ghost, even
if you make mistakes.  By mistakes we learn.  Think,
pray, plan and act.  We can´t have fear of taking decisions,
but rather we must prayer and ask for a confirmation
of the Holy Ghost if it is right.

D. Todd Christofferson said,"The Holy Ghost is who
gives you power to speak in hostile enviornments... and by
him it is promised that ye shall not be confounded before
men."  I feel that I want to be less afraid of taking decisions,
of being a perfectionist. God will guide us, if we let him,
and if we are obedient to him.  In Family Home Evenings.
In maintaining our health.  In reading and praying with
true intention.  In paying tithings and offerings.  In taking
the Sacrament worthily.
Anyway... that was my spiritual thought I had.  

I am having lots of wonderful experiences and learning about
being a leader.  I have learned that what gives you power is:
1) keeping your promises and doing what you say.  2) Your
example.  3) Knowing what to do by the Spirit and by the 
light of Christ.
I´m sure you´d like to hear more about my life, not my spiritual
insights.  Just know that I love you all.  Thank you for all that
you do.  See you soon.

Elder Hill.

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