Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baptisms & Thoughts Towards The Future!!!

Letter to Dad from Last Week

That is really special that they came to church! How wonderful. It is a special experience. So, what did they all say when I said that I was willing to work? Hopefully
you will take pictures of the baptism and send them to me. Although you probably
already thought of that. Or it is already understood.

I love you, Dad. I am really glad that you are alive, like you mentioned. I love you with all of my heart. And I don´t want that to be confused. I am so grateful for being able to have served a mission and to continue to do so. Through it, I have been able to come back to Christ. And I always want to be there with him, and with You, Mom and Jared.

I have to tell you that yesterday I had what was the best experience of my mission. I am the Assistent to the Mission President, right? One of my responsabilities is to do exchanges with the Zone Leaders. As of now, Elder Delahunty, my companion from the MTC, is a Zone Leader. We prayed on Saturday for who we should do splits with and we felt the impression that the exchanges should be with Elder D. and his comanion.

Elder Delahunty was the last Assistent to President Flores, before I was. He began teaching Brother Bill Shrum and his family, who I took over the responsility of teaching when Elder D. had to leave. So, for the last five months, I have been teaching Brother Bill and his Wife Francisca. Everytime that we have made the baptismal invitation, they say that they are going to wait to receive a confirmation. They were like that for almost six months.

Yesterday, we planned a special Family Home Evening with the Cheney Family, who is from Utah. Brother Cheney is the GM of the construction of the temples in Central America. In this visit, we planned to watch the last talk of the Prophet and share our testimonies with him and invite them again to be baptized. So, we began with a prayer and a hymn and Brother Cheney gave an introduction to the video. While we watched the recording of the Prophet´s talk, I prayed fervently in my heart that the Lord with let us see a miracle and that they would feel the Spirit testify to them that Thomas S. Monson is really a Próphet of God.

After the video, Brother Cheney gave thanks and a short testimony about the reality of a living Prophet of the Lord and gave us the time. To begin, I expressed the love that I have developed and have for this family and gave my testimony of Christ, the Church, the Modern Prophets. Elder Delahunty also expressed his love and testimony, but said that as he watched the movie, he had a vision of Bill, Francisca and all of their family with Elder Delahunty in the "Celestial Court." And he began to cry as he was filled with joy and love. Then I gave the invitation that Thomas S. Monson had said,"Come... Come unto me. It´s time. Come back. Come home. Come." I invited them to be baptized once again. Sister Francisca asked Bill,"Should we get baptized?" in her best-possible English."

Bill, however, has never expressed his testimony to us, but last night, he poured out his heart to Francisca that he wanted to get baptized. He wanted to get baptized with her. In his own words he gently declared,"I want to be with your for eternity."

The room went silent as Bill and Francisca kept their vision locked on one another. I felt the Spirit so strong and my heart was so moved by this precious manifestion of devotion. I said to Francisca with tears,"This was the most beautiful thing that I have ever heard. I promise you that if you are baptized you will be together forever. I know that that is true... We are having a baptismal service the 23rd of June. Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized on this day?"
With much silence for 2 or 3 minutes, we waited. Bill said,"I want this..." And Francisca looked at him and then at us and then at the floor. Elder Delahunty reassuredly comforted her by saying,"You will be ready for this date. We will prepare you to be baptized. To which I added as lovingly as possible,"You will be ready. Will you be baptized this day?"

... And she nodded. She said,"Sí."

And now after almsot six months of attending church, they will be baptism. Everyone hugged each other. Even Sister Cheny gave Elder Delahunty and I hugs and Brother Cheny told her,"They can´t do that!" S

She replied,"They didn´t do that. I did that."

Haha. And it was so... cool to be able to teach with my companion from the MTC and help someone exercise their faith in Jesus Christ, which truly brought them happiness.

Next week the family Rodriguez will get baptized and then the 23rd, Bill, Francisca and Suani (their granddaughter9 will all enter the waters of baptism.
Thank you for paying for my mission! I love you.
Until next week.
Elder Hill

This Weeks Letter to Mom and Dad

Hi mom and dad,

Today I have been thinking a lot about the future, which is a symptom of being
tired (today we had to wake up at 3:50 am to take someone to the airport). I
have wondering about how I will put it to practice everything that I am learning
in the mission in real life. I have felt like the mission is some type of training.
I also wonder how I will be social enough to become friends with everyone and
help them know the gospel. I remember one time when I was working at Focus.
There was a mexican girl named Anna that always sat in the booth next to me,
who was dating a young LDS man. She asked me lots of questions and even
confused my ring with a bear paw print for a CTR ring. Haha. That was one
of my few missionary experiences before I came on the mission. One afternoon,
she asked,"So... In what exactly do you believe?" And I was stunned. I thought,
"What am I going to say to her?" Haha. But I remember that I was quickly
enlightened by the Restoration fo the Gospel without having really studied it.
It was the second time that I shared the story of the First Vision with someone.
And she responded, "D... Di... Did that really happen?" And I thought,"Did it
really happen? And it did." I told her,"Yeah. Joseph Smith was called as a

The first time I shared the first vision was when I was visiting teaching for the
first time. I was all by myself. I remember I had a white shirt and tie with a
brown sweater on. I knocked on the door of this family and I asked if I could
share a message with them. I entered and thought,"Where is my companion?"
Haha. I might say that after the mission, too. I remember talking with this man.
He asked me if it really mattered to God which church he attended? And I just
know that I would loved to have been me now in that moment, but I felt the
Spirit and I knew that I needed to share the first vision and I did. His reaction
I don´t really remember, but I want to always have that experience after the mission.
I have gotten accustomed to finding and helping people get baptism. I have been
blessed to baptism almost every month of my mission (except for 3 or something).

And so I want to have these experiences always. Always, always, always.
Find, teach, help them get baptized, go to the temple, etc. I don´t want it
to stop, even if I am not the one with the authority.

We also baptized the Rodriguez family early this Saturday. It was really beautiful.
I will send you pictures, okay? I love you a lot. Invite people to come to the gospel.
Get to know everyone around you. You don´t know who might be ready.
I love you all.

Elder Hill.

For wondering minds.... 50 Days!!!  Wow so hard to believe.  I am so excited to see him, to hug him, to listen to him and to love on him a little!  It is also slightly bittersweet...no more Monday letters.  I miss Isabel's already.  Almost always the letters are spiritually uplifting and I will miss that in my Mondays of the week!!!  Till next time....Ciao (at least I can say hello and goodbye in Spanish)


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