Monday, May 16, 2011

In Love & Lonely in the Rain

Isabella's Letter

i dont know why but i have a special place in my heart for old people they are like wrinkly children. i love them so much and i have patience for them. my hija hna mamani is from boliva and she decided to contact a old lady in the park the other day, i had been trying to be positive even though my guts had been hurting pretty bad and things had been ¨exsplosive¨ in the bathroom. but here was this old cute lady and i could help but smile at her like i would at a baby and we sopke she said she had dreamt of christ since she was little and told me she knew all there was to know about christ becuase she saw him repeatedly in her dreams and it made me laugh inside so i said well abueliti (which is how you show love and respect for an older quechua person) if you are still here on earth there is something God wants you to learn and we are going to help you learn it. she laughs and says im too old to learn ill forget you by tomorrow! and she laughed and said besides i know christ ive seen him. i said well im looking at you and i dont know you looking is good but its not enough she said you are young but that is true, are you single? my grandchild is a devil and he needs help which made me laugh so hard... what spunk in a 85 year old grandma. i said no im not but lets take you to church on sunday and we taught her restoration and she forgot it by sunday but said she would get baptized and loves having us over she is so cute. i love her truly love her. we also have a family who said they would come to church and we didnt have to pick them up but i sat there and they ....Suprise! didnt show up by themselves so i hurried over in a taxi looked really bumped and said you promised and i sat and waited and hour for you so i brought a taxi for you lets go she was so suprised but got in with her beautiful family and went afterwards she said i loved this and this and santiago who is a little devil behaved so well she was impressed she said im coming next week for sure. i know this work isnt about numbers but when people fail in all their commitments week after week and no one is progressing and it feels like you are pulling teeth instead of spiritually feeding them you start to think that your success might come in the probablity of higher numbers until you find people again that truly want to be shown how to have a relationship with God and then you change as well and it becomes about them again. i love what dave said about tithing there are so many layers in each comandment God gives you. each experience is rich and if you savour it you will learn something new each time. Janice thanks for cancelling the card i dont know what im going to do about the mail thing they are still in strike so well see, my number is 4452008 not the one they give you in salt lake. please give the pres a call and tell him what they need of me so he can help me.
les quiero ciao

Christopher's letter
I honestly miss home, but I´m not home sick.  I feel far from everything sometimes.
I haven´t gotten a letter from Isabel in 4 months, but that´s okay.  I really don´t think
about it much.  I just feel like a person without relationships.  I feel very alone sometimes.
But I like I said.  I´m not home sick.   I just feel very isolated.
To talk about the many blessings that I do have here.  Every night I hear frogs that...
sing you could say.  It makes me really happy.  I´ve never, ever heard frogs sing
at night.  And as they´re singing, I can see fields of warly illuminating fire flies, like stars
in the field as the earth becomes coldy covered by the night.  I can´t tell you how
much I love fireflies.  They´re called "luciernagas". 

We´re going to have 2 baptisms this week. I´ve been able to see a lot of love in the branch,
reaching out to these to new investigators that we´ve noly know for a month one and the
other 2 weeks. It´s strange how these things happen.

I´m learning a lot about relationships with my companion.  I sometimes feel very alone
and not respected, but that´s never what he´s thinking.  So I figure that I need to simplify
my life.  Whenever life becomes complicated in whatever way, you just need to simplify
it.  Buy less, do less, think less, and just help people.  Forget yourself.
That´s what I´m doing right now: getting forgotten.

Forever forgotten,
and happy,
Elder Hill

Anyone got any ideas how I could possibly reach through the email system and hug my kid? His letter made me a little sad....hopefully tomorrow is a brighter day!


  1. through prayer and meditation Janice.....Chris will be okay. I imagine it is natural to feel like this so far away from home.

  2. Jan...Our prayers are always with them & you!!! XOXO!!!!
