Monday, August 23, 2010

Chris shares his MTC experience....2nd Email!


Como estas, madre?  Yo soy muy... busy.  No se como se dice busy en espanol.
Hoy estoy limpiando mi ropas y escribiando cartas a mi familia y mi amigos
mayoriamente familia.  La MTC es muy bien.  A veces es muy emosionado y
a veces no puedo a salir a Honduras.  En serio. Tengo amor para mi compañero
y estoy feliz. Algunos dias son muy intersante.  Yo veo Isabel cada dia cuando
nuestros comemos, el qual es dificil para mi.  Llevo a ser triste cuando nostros
no puedemos hablar uno al otro, pero esta bien.  Dos años es nada para nosotros.

Anyway!  My spanish is ok.  Thank you for your letters, your packages.  And again,
I apologize for not sending letters for almost two weeks.  Being here, I study ALL the
time.  ALL the time.  Todos veces.  All day I´m trying to do something meaningful,
which is usually studying or reading scriptures.  Lately I´ve been trying to compile
a study journal on different subjects related to the gospels, questions I have, questions
others might have, specific subjects that I´m interested in, and then making goals
based off of what I´ve learned via revelation.  One thing that makes scripture study
more enjoyable is a having a goal when studying the scriptures, instead of reading
just to read.  

Also, I feel so young here and yet so old.  Hanging out with my district is like having
coffee with a pack of wolfs in a locker room after a football game.  It's fun, but not
really my scene.  It's a flash back of high school and all of the things I never associated
with; however, I know that through Devine Revelation that I am in this district of boys
trying to become men.  In that very lesson we all need to learn, we are put together.
Sometimes I've taken to criticizing to much, and it's hard to know
when to put your foot down.  Luckily, whenever I've chastized them I've had the spirit
with me, and I'm never mean -- just correct.

I want you, mom and dad, to know that I feel blessed here in abundance.  I want you
to know that I'm safe.  I want you to know that it's really difficult to be here sometimes,
but everytime it is, and I remember God in some way -- even just praying, things get better.
Like on Sunday, I was blessed to have the spirit with me almost all day when the week
before was a bit of a trainwreck at time.

Yo se que Dios vive, que Jesucristo vive ahora.  Tengo un testimonio que Jose Smith
fue un profeta verdadero.  Yo se que el Libro de Mormon es una palabra de Dios.

This place is amazing because we're missionaries right now with gifts of discernment
and many blessing that can bless others' lives.  I've had some amazing experiences here
that have strengthened my testimony in the Atonement, chances to love people with
all of your heart.  And those times, you know that you want more for others than for yourself.
That the Atonement is real, and that we need it always in our lives.  And that as we
embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we'll become freer than ever before.

I'm glad Maddy got baptized, that's amazing.  I wonder when they all will return to the Gospel.
They would be so happy.  So happy.  God loves all of us so much.  We are His Children
and I've never felt the spirit so consistently in life.  I've been able to hear from two of the
presidents of the seventy, so far.  There's talk of the prophet coming in September, and 
I'm really excited for that.  Today, I got some travel info and my home address in Honduras.
Today, I'm also going to write my mission president, who's address I just received. 
I have a hard time not being able to talk to Isabel longer than a few minutes, and it breaks
my heart.  Sometimes it's hard not to cry or break down, but you just keep working
and the spirit comforts you.  God speaks to someone to bear their testimony to you in a 
language that you can't understand.  It's incredible.  And then you, who needed that
love through a testimony of God, know that God lives.

I'm sorry for not writing more.  I can only write once a week, and for e-mailing, I'm allowed
thirty minutes a day.  I love everyone for their prayers, their support, and for being my family.
Te amo mucho.  Con amor.

Also, as a request, if you could send more cacao, goji berries, pecans, pumpkin seeds,
coconut flakes, and.... mangos and avocados and apple cider vinegar and... medicinal
mushrooms.  That'd be cool!  I don't need it.  I just enjoy.  Um.

I love you all so much.  Write me.  It's always wondeful to hear from you.
I love you, mom.  I love you, dad.  Thank you for your sacrifices.  Really. <3
-Elder Hill 

Note: Dave promises to translate the Spanish in the comments! I wonder if I will ever receive a letter in which I am not reduced to a rubble of tears! I love this boy! I hear the excitement and love in his voice...also the challenges he faces. Please pray for them and write them! Con amor .... Until the next letter!


  1. So Spiritual!! What a great person!

  2. I haven't noticed Dave translating any of this in spanish....... lol.

    - Will
