Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Isabella's Email

Today while at work I had just finished a training for some of my co-workers when I received this email from Miss Isabel.  It about brought me to my knees and definitely to tears.  I promise it will you too....and what Mom would not want to here those feelings and emotions about her son from the beautiful, sweet, strong girl who loves him!  This Mom is so very glad the Lord provided this tender mercy and an answer to Isabella's prayers!!!

Here's her letter:

So i havent fallen off the face of the earth although sometimes to be honest it feels that way. i am really on someone elses time not mine. i wake up at 6:30 and get ready and go go go every hour doing something meaningful till 10:30 at night. there are so many rules here even not chewing gum i'll explain later. i am tired like always but we cant take naps will also explain. i have a cold that my companion gave to me... so im tired especially after staying up the night before i arrived here at the mtc i still dont think i've caught up with sleep. this is probably the hardest thing i have done in my life but why would it be easy its the lords work. My companions are hermana Wright from Oregon and hermana Lopez from Utah both going to serve spanish speaking to florida. i was asked to be senior companion that same night that we arrived. thats been interesting. i think that if i had a elder as a companion we could make up our mind faster. do you want to, no i feel that, well i say we... all that would be cut down to zip. even though i have a independent personality i when a leader in the church speaks i listen even if its our distrcit leader even if hes wrong. but not these hermanas today i finally told them look you want me to lead you ask me what we are doing and the moment its out of my mouth you decide theres something else that you would like to do. i rather there not be a leader aslong as we are unified otherwise we cant have the spirit and if thats the case then it doesnt matter how much anyone of us know. be of one heart. well i said that and anything i say now they disagree with. so its interesting there. But beside all those things that have been happening. learning really is what has been happening and the Lord is such a wonderful teacher. i feel the spirit here at the MTC sometimes more than when i'm at the temple. the spirit cant help but be here b/c even if we are all so different we all have something in common. We speak of Christ we teach of Christ and we rejoice in Christ that our children( in this case humanity) may know by which means they can repent of their sins and be saved. so even when im tired the discussion starts rolling. how can we teach this, how can we have the spirit with us always, what are the investigators needs? and then you feel it, a lightness of spirit, strength and love swelling in your heart, for all men. i really hope that we can make this companionship work b/c nothing make the spirit flee like contention. OH Oh another thing i prayed to see the "Boy" wed when i came all day long and then when we got a tour by the training center on thur i felt a burning in my bosom. like intense and i turned to my left, really there was no reason for me to look that way but i did. and there he was sitting in the door way. hes mine. hes my comfort and friend what a tender mercy that the Lord would answer my prayer in such a way. I pray always and can feel my heavenly fathers ears opening just for me. I Love the gospel! please email this to jonathan and tell him to email it to crystal and also to grandpa and grandma finch please ask everyone to send you their email and then please send it to me janice. i can only write on tuesday and email only for thirty mins. if you have any questions for me write me janice has my address. also if you want to email do it through dearelder.com its free while im at the mtc and they print it out for me so i can read it. well i should go. love you! hermana Florido
Isabel and Chris
Salt Lake Temple for
their own Endowments!

Even though the road traveled is done alone, may the Lord continue to unify and strengthen them and bless them with his tender mercies!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the challenges of companions. Hard, hard stuff but totally worth it.
