Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Isabel Enters The MTC

Last night Isabella came home from a visit with family and friends in Las Vegas!  Her brothers, sister-in-law,  nieces and a long time friend came with her.  We all got ready and left for the church house so she could be set apart as a full time missionary. This is our Isabella just before we left.

This next one is for Elder Hill and we will be emailing to him.  She loves you Chris....still!!!

We went to the church and the Stake Presidency, Our Bishop, Our Home Teacher, Chris' Family, and Isabel's family were given the opportunity to give her advice and bear their testimony to her.  Many things were shared with her and the Spirit was strong there just as it was when Chris was set apart!  Isabel bore her testimony of the Gospel, her love for it and her Savior, and her gratefulness for having the knowledge of the gospel and her excitement to serve a mission.  President Pendleton then set her apart. 

After she was set apart we all went out to eat at Christopher's and Isabella's favorite Indian Restaurant in Ogden called Bombay Grill!  That is one of the fun things about our Chris and Isabel...they are adventurous eaters!

A sleepless or little sleep night and we were off this morning to the Ole Pancake House in Salt Lake again!  We all enjoyed their pancakes, french toast, omletes, and fresh squeezed Orange Juice.  It was great company with family, friends, and those sweet baby girls nieces of Isabella's! (Just a side note...the little one is so sweet and wonderful to hold and cuddle and her sweet big sister who mind you is starting school soon....listening to her speak Spanish is like music to my ears! )  Aunt Isabella loves you girls!!!

After breakfast we were off to the MTC!!!  We parked in the same place as when we took Chris and took the long walk down the hill.  This time though a gentleman stopped us at the corner.  We had to say our Goodbyes there.  They had started construction at the MTC.  The sign across the street that you see in previous is gone.  As soon as the nice man (and he was nice) told us that this was where we had to say goodbye it became very emotional for all of us.  I was so impressed with the emotion and love expressed to Isabella by her brothers and sister-in-law.  It was so apparent how much they love their sister!  Isabella hugged each of them.  Her best friend Crystal was with us.  Isabel hugged her and shared with her a Book of Mormon, tears, and her love of the gospel, and her love for her friend!  It was the most touching moment of the day.  We love you Crystal!  She hugged Dave and I!  She truly has become the daughter we never had!  And yes I cried again!  She was met with her Hosts, two dashing young Elders (don't worry Chris, they were cute but not dashingly handsome like you!), they took her bags and across the one crosswalk, and then the second crosswalk, and with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes she was gone.  Here are a few pictures.

We love you Sister Florido and are so very Proud of You!
So it is official and the Tale of Happily Ever After is being written.  Christopher and Isabella serve the Lord well! and "Lord, hold them safely in the hallow of Thy hand and bring them home again!"

The map of our ward missionaries, we have 8 now with Christopher and Isabella, our ward is literally all over the world!

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